di nobi (by Nobi in Italian) — a dino blog by Nobi

di Nobi 
(by Nobi)

Nobi is
Nobuyuki Hayashi | 林 信行

freelance journalist, consultant

‘Nobi‘ is my popular nickname and I go by @nobi on Twitter and have about 200,000 followers.

I investigate future trends for technology, design and lifestyle drived from there. As a journalist I report / comment on those trends on TV,s radios, newspapers, magazines and web news sites. As a lecturer and consultant, I help my clients establish a new framework based on those trends.

I also am very motivated to bridge Japan and rest of the world. So I help Japanese startups to form their international strategy as well as help foreign companies to find the right partners in Japan. While I introduce interesting foreign products to Japan, I explain Japanese trends/culture on foreign news media (so far I have been on US, UK, French, Spanish and Korean TVs/web news) or give a speech at such places as EU gateway program or Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

As a journalist/writer, I am one of the journalists who is invited to Apple's private events. I also have been writing a column on Microsoft's official site since 1999. And on Google.org since 2012.

- smart mobile: i.e. smartphones, tablets + related products +eco-system
- socialmedia: i.e. twitter, facebook, LINE, etc. 
- 3D printers
I write / talk about the latest trends on above topics. My focus is on how these technologies are transforming our lifestyle and work style. I am full of case studies and use case scenario to help you inspire

- UI/UX design
- industrial design
- corporate structure
- media planning strategy
- foreign strategy
I also do a lot of consultation work on above areas. I have been watching companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter very closely

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